Dynamic Gravity Systems specializes in the manufacture, repair, and servicing of marine and airborne gravity meters. We make advanced technology gravity meters using a full feedback, zero-length spring sensor, which requires no spring tension motor and is more responsive and accurate across the full worldwide range and the dynamic motions experienced in aircraft and ships.
We also repair air damped gravity meters manufactured by Lacoste and Romberg (SeaSys and AirSeaII), ZLS (Ultrasys) and Micro-g Lacoste (AirSeaII) as well as the magnetically damped marine meter and Turnkey Airborne Gravity System (TAGS) made by Micro-g Lacoste.
Magnetically damped, world-wide range, zero-length spring based Airborne Gravity system with IMU platform control.
Zero-length spring Marine Gravity system with world-wide range, magnetically damped sensor with advanced force-feedback beam measurement technology for Marine exploration.
Portable, magnetically damped, zero-length spring based gravity sensor for land-survey applications.
Dynamic, zero-length spring based gravity system designed for integration with your Underwater Autonomous Vehicle (AUV)